Compliance and Policy


eLearning also has the benefit of enabling compliance managers to demonstrate to auditors and key stakeholders that appropriate training and support is in place and that staff are assessed as part of their training/job function.

  • In today’s ever more litigious world where increasing regulation has become the norm, it is critical that organisations meet the challenge of ensuring teams are aware of and consistently follow company policy, rules and regulations.

    Ideally, you need to create a company culture of support and commitment for compliance rather than accepting a tick-box mentality.

    So how do you begin to fuel this commitment?

      • Think about introducing simulations, exercises, quizzes and video materials that feed and sustain this culture change.
      • Don’t forget your eLearning tools can be fun, challenging and motivating – these are then more likely to be successful.
      • It is also important to deliver ongoing support for your teams such as providing refresher materials on a regular basis to continue to enforce the behavior required.
    • Culture Change
      Transition to a culture where Compliance becomes the norm
    • Continued Support
      Provide materials that re-enforce your Compliance objectives
    • Make it interesting
      People retain more when the subject is more engaging
    • Assessment
      Test that staff understand your Policies – useful for audit purposes
    • Blended Training
      Provide a mixture of learning tools such as video and job-aids
    • Scenarios
      Develop eLearning tools that use scenarios for realistic training