Basic First Aid at Work

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  • The aim:

    The aim of this course is to provide training on basic first aid in the workplace to enable appointed first aiders to handle and treat minor injuries.

Learning outcomes:

In this course, we cover those areas necessary for delivering first aid at a basic level to address minor injuries within the workplace and look at the role of a first aider.

  • Who the course is for:

    This awareness course is aimed at employees who have been designated as first aiders within the workplace.

    • Introduction to first aid
    • Aim of first aid
    • First aid equipment
    • First aid incidents
    • What’s in a first aid box
    • Enforcement of safety laws
    • Hazards and risks
    • Treating minor injuries
    • Unconscious casualties
    • The basic of CPR
      • Recovery position, choking, bleeding, shocks
      • Head, eye injuries
      • Allergic reactions
      • Fainting, sprains and hyperventilation
    • Treating more serious injuries
    • Summary and end of course assessment with certificate of completion
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Would you like a demo?

Just get in touch and we would be happy to give you a demo and discuss your needs.