Personal Protective Equipment

  • PPE

  • The aim:

    The aim of this course is to provide training on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the workplace, providing employees with information on the safe use and requirement for PPE.

Learning outcomes:

In this course, we cover those areas necessary for understanding the need for PPE, its use in the workplace, understanding signage, the need for PPE maintenance and accident prevention.

  • Who the course is for:

    This awareness course is suitable for all employees within an organisation who require knowledge around the safe use of PPE.

    • Introduction to PPE
    • Key requirements, laws and legislation
    • Understand why PPE is necessary and when to use it
    • Your responsibilities towards PPE
    • Know when to use PPE
    • Hazards and prevention measures
    • Identify the appropriate PPE for a task
    • Responsibilities in maintaining PPE
    • Understanding signs associated with PPE
    • Summary and end of course assessment with certificate of completion
  • PPE-mock-up-1


Would you like a demo?

Just get in touch and we would be happy to give you a demo and discuss your needs.