Slips, Trips and Falls

  • slips-trips-falls

  • The aim:

    All working environments have the potential to cause slips, trips and falls, and workers in many industries are at risk from these hazards. The aim of this course is to minimise these risks.

Learning outcomes:

Learners will cover how to identify hazards, why preventing them is important, how to evaluate the risks and and how to address these risks.

  • Who the course is for:

    This awareness course is suitable for all employers and employees in an organisation where slips, trips and falls are a possibility.

    • Key laws and legislation
    • Identifying hazards – What is a hazard? – What is a risk?
    • The key steps for risk assessment?
    • Evaluate the risks
    • Responsibilities
    • Accident prevention – slips and trips
    • Reporting and recording accidents
    • Summary and end of course assessment with certificate of completion
  • Slips,-trips-and-falls-1


Would you like a demo?

Just get in touch and we would be happy to give you a demo and discuss your needs.