Performance Management Training


Video as part of scenario based learning is a very effective tool for this type of training. Use these scenarios to assess how managers would deal with certain situations e.g. dealing with difficult or problematic individuals – all in a safe, non threatening environment.

  • Managers who have responsibility for the performance management of their staff may benefit from training to help them manage performance effectively.

    This may include training on the principles of performance management, how it should operate and what the roles of individuals within the process should be.

    Each Manager needs to learn how to set SMART objectives, help employees to achieve these and get the most from each and every member of their team.

    Managers should learn how to create and define Personal Development Plans that enable staff to fully meet their objectives and contribute effectively on a day to day basis.

    It is vital to ensure that there is consistency in terms of reviewing performance across the organisation and that regular reviews are held with staff members to assess and help initiate corrective actions where required.

    • Coaching
      We often expect managers to coach staff – but to be effective, they need the right training
    • Consistent Process
      Whatever Performance Management system you use, it needs to be delivered consistently and accurately
    • Appraisals
      Ensure managers are competent at performing staff appraisals
    • Personal Development Plans
      Teach managers how to set PDPs that maximise the effectiveness of staff
    • Video
      Video is a powerful tool to demonstrate good and bad practice
    • Use Scenarios
      Teach managers through scenarios and test how they would react to certain situations