Sales & Marketing Development


We help you develop learning tools that FastTrack the development of your Sales and Marketing functions.


  • Are your sales people selling at the right level?

    Do they know how to engage at this level and identify appropriate value propositions for your products and services? Is marketing delivering engaging communication that supports the sales process and builds long term relationships? How do you ensure that sales and Marketing are receiving effective and timely product knowledge updates? How do you get new sales people up to speed quickly?

    Challenging questions – however addressing these competences is critical to business success and a Sales and Marketing learning portal could significantly enhance your effectiveness.

    • Scenarios and simulations
      Use these to help your sales team practice new skills in a safe but challenging environment
    • Assess Competence
      Provide feedback or an assessment of their competence so they can address weaknesses
    • Show good practice and bad practice
      Videos are a powerful way to achieve this – they can be made fun so that important points stick
    • Knowledge transfer
      Use quizzes to build and test their product or service knowledge
    • Give them knowledge tools
      Apps or knowledge tools delivered on smart phone or tablets enable them to continue learning wherever they may be.