Classroom and Support Materials

  • Classworkshopgreen

  • We create materials that support your classroom, workshop and workplace delivery such as presentation material, handouts and videos through to job aids and reminder posters. We help you with the development of a range of materials that support on the job training too such as workbooks, checklists, flip cards and interactive documents.


Job aids provide a supportive learning reference, re-enforcing what has already been learnt and helping direct personnel on how to accomplish on-the-job tasks effectively and successfully.


  • Blended Resources:

    We can help you develop blended solutions which mix face-to-face sessions, self-learning (printed materials) and online learning, followed by hands on questions or practice. The blend is designed to take the learner on a journey, with themes, knowledge and materials to support this journey.

    Flipped Classroom:

    The “flipped classroom” is another great way to deliver learning across your organisation. Learners can develop their knowledge and test this knowledge using online learning materials prior to any face to face activities but can then ask questions or re-enforce this knowledge within classroom or workshop sessions.

  • Flipped-classroom

  • Modules-classroom

  • Presenters:

    Your online learning modules can also be “presented” virtually by your filmed classroom instructor, who guides the learner through the modules so that the learner is already familiar with the trainer when meeting up at face-to-face workshops. Quiz results and course performance can be shared with trainers who can pick up on problem areas or subjects needing clarification.

    Internal Communications:

    We can also help with the internal communication for your courses ensuring that learners are aware and continually supported throughout their learning experience. Market your learning with imaginative communications to raise awareness and get buy-in. We provide posters, online banners, email campaigns and promotional demos.


    You can also measure the results of your learning with surveys (pre and post training) to pinpoint learner needs  and gather insights.