Learning Academies and SmartLMS

  • We are excited to share an innovative development we have been working on for some time. We can now deliver your very own Learning Academy, whether that is for your internal organisation or for you to sell your learning content to a wider, global market.

We have brought together website know how, portal technology and ecommerce integration and then combined this with our very own LMS solution – SmartLMS. By integrating these elements to exactly match your needs, we create your very own Academy, branded and delivering your content.

LMS Factsheet
  • You can use the Academy has a powerful focal point for delivering membership plans, services, products, courses and events, all under your control and available to your target audience.

    An Academy positions you as a leading provider in your field and provides a powerful ongoing revenue stream to your organisation by offering memberships, subscriptions and of course your product range. The Academy can also be a powerful support for classroom based delivery and enables you to target both a national and global market, extending your reach to a large, new audience.

    Contact us today and we will demonstrate the Academy solutions we have developed for other organisations and discuss how we can enable your very own Academy.

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    elearning development

  • LMSgreen

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) provide an effective way to manage learners and learning content. Use SmartLMS to handle course registrations, administration, compliance tracking and reporting.


Ask us for a demo of SmartLMS, our very own LMS Portal on which you can host your own courses and learners.

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) provide an effective way to manage learners and learning content, handling course registrations, administration, compliance tracking and reporting. They give learners access to learning courses and provide the ability to control access to learning content as well as assess how learners are performing.

    We have come across a number of problems with existing LMS products and so we created our own flexible LMS solution, that enables us to overcome these problems and develop fully immersive learning environments. Ask us for a demo of SmartLMS to see how we deliver an effective learning environment.


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  • SmartLMS is a fast and flexible way of delivering your online courses to learners:

    • It is quick, easy and affordable to get up and running
    • It is compatible with mobile devices and responsive learning
    • It is cloud-based, so learners can access training wherever they are
    • Branding can be customised
    • It tracks learner progress and monitors performance