Systems & Process Training


Simulations, video demonstrations and quizzes are all excellent for systems and process training. Team leaders or managers can assess how well staff understand company processes and what is expected from them by assessing their quiz scores.

  • For certain staff to be fully effective, they need to truly understand your systems and procedures. You need to be sure they understand these well enough to consistently apply them time after time and to make learning engaging so they don’t ‘tune out’.

    There are a number of factors that support the use of eLearning as a valuable tool for Systems and Process Training:

    • Safety – allow learners to gain confidence in the use of systems that are new to them in a safe environment where they can learn what to do if things go wrong
    • Cost – you don’t want to risk damage to costly machinery or equipment – use simulations to practice until they are competent to try it for real
    • Consistency – you need everyone to follow the same defined procedure – this is a major benefit of eLearning
    • Continued Support – the use of job aids as part of their learning can be a tremendous help
    • Safe environment
      Let learners develop their skills without worrying about making mistakes
    • Reduce Risk
      Train staff to deal with all situations
    • Scenarios
      Use scenarios to test how staff will respond to problems or issues
    • Protect valuable Equipment
      Ensure staff are fully competent before letting them loose on expensive machinery
    • Continued Support
      Ensure that staff have access to materials that help them grow their knowledge
    • Assessment
      Assess staff using quizzes as part of their performance reviews